Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Cara Menghemat baterai Android

Saya ingin sedikit share saja tentang bagai mana cara atau tips untuk sedikit menghemat baterai dan smartphone Android Anda menjadi lemot karena hanya memiliki memori kecil, karena banyak yang mengeluh para user smartphone android bahwa setelah memakai android, batrerai terasa boros Nah maka dari itu Tips berikut insya allah akan membantu Anda mengatasai masalah tersebut dan semoga anda juga akan mendapatkan smartphone Android Anda lebih responsif dan baterai bisa bertahan 1 hingga 2 hari.
.... langsung saja kawan,..
1.  Disable wifi dan bluetooth
Anda bisa install WiFi OnOff widget. Setelah install dari Android Marker, tekan dan tahan pada homescreen, pilih “Widget” lalu “WiFi OnOff”. Aktifkan WiFi jika Anda benar-benar memerlukannya. Untuk memastikan

Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

Kode - kode akses pada ponsel

Kode akses Nokia

*#30#     : Menampilkan ‘private number’ yang menghubungi anda.
*#73#     : Mereset timer ponsel dan skor game (pada beberapa ponsel).
*#7780# : Mengembalikan ke setting pabrik (factory setting).
*#2820# : Alamat IP perangkat Bluetooth (untuk ponsel yang mempunyai Bluetooth).
xx#         : Akses cepat ke nama/nomer telepon di phone book ponsel, misalnya 20#.
Tombol off : Menekan dengan singkat, untuk berpindah antar profile.
*3370#   : Mengaktifkan EFR(Enhanced Full Rate) Codec (tidak berlaku di ponsel Symbian).
#3370#  : Menonaktifkan EFR Codec.
*#4270# : Mengaktifkan Half Rate Codec.
*#4270# : Menonaktifkan Half Rate Codec.
*#0000# : Menampilkan versi software ponsel.

Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

How To Relieve Pain Without Drugs Drinking

Taking medicine can indeed relieve or cure a disease. But when you're always taking the drug, then there are some side effects that occur in the body. So how do I relieve the pain without taking medicine?
"Every time you take (consume) the drug or whether it's prescription drugs without a prescription, then you will get some specific risks. If used regularly, then the risk will be more and more," said Sandra Kweder, MD, Deputy Director of the Office of New Drugs at the center Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for drug evaluation and research, as reported by Menshealth. Here's another way that can relieve pain without having to take medication, namely: 1. Cough, cough syrup with honey dressing

Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

8 Most Successful Entrepreneur Little World

The world has been familiar with Mark Elliot Zuckerberg as a young businessman who managed to build a business empire that menggurita. The founder of social networking site Facebook has even been named as the number 1 from the list of â € œ100 Most Influential People Rank in the Information Age. "
In the previous era, William Henry Gates II or better known as Bill Gates appeared as a young businessman who is able to build a business giant in the field of information technology.
Similarly those experiences that might inspire some young people to begin to enter the business world in a relatively young age.

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

10 Signs of Skin Cancer The Easy Taxable

Depletion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere can increase the risk of cancer in all people. But individually, some people have habits and risk factors that make it more susceptible than others to suffer from skin cancer. Some habits and risk factors that can make people more susceptible to skin cancer are as follows, as quoted from Menshealth.com, Thursday (26/05/2011). 

1. Like wearing shorts 
Dermatologist from MensHealth, Adnan Nasir, MD said rear calf is a place that is often attacked by skin cancer. This section is also difficult to be protected with sunscreen, because often rubbing against the thigh when in a sitting position.

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Some causes of odor in the mouth

Brush teeth already, drinking mouthwash, and eating candy mint also. All recommendations from the dentist has done, but why is your mouth still smells? There are several causes of bad breath that you should know even feel his mouth is clean.Quoted from Mamasource, Friday (4/9/2009), there are 7 causes of mouth still smells even after a toothbrush. 

1. There are still food particles stuck in the mouth That is the need to brush your teeth properly, as there are few food scraps left behind can still make bad breath. Those who wear dentures are more likely to have bad breath due to growth of bacteria from food scraps. 

Fasting Eradicate Body Toxins

Detoxification is an attempt to clean the toxins in tubuh.Tiap detok day running naturally through urination, defecation or through the sweat that comes out of the body. If we are fasting, meaning mengistiahatkan organs of the body of work yanglebih light. Fasting correctly, make the process of removing toxins in the body was so perfect. That is why fasting is closely connected together detoxification. 

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Listen to Music Via Earphones

Like listening to music through earphones ...???? Hmm .. be careful of the dangers. Too often heard a loud noise or noise within a long and occur every day can interfere with hearing. European Commission study showed, the habit of listening to music on earphones at high volume (above 100 decibels), more than an hour a day in a minimum period of five years, bringing the risk of permanent hearing loss.

danger take a bath night time

Bath is one of the efforts to clean the body. Bathing is usually done 2 times a day, the morning after waking and evening after the day's activities. Bathing is rarely done at night, except for those in the afternoon did not get a bath because there are jobs until a bit tonight. Then if the effect of bath night is bad for health?

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

10 Laptop Edition The Best Game in the Year 2011

1. MSI GT660R - 004US (Price: $ 1,699.99 per unit)MSI GT660R - 004US is the most powerful laptops that last longer than all competitors. This machine has all the complete specification that will allow you to play all games with high graphics. LCD screen has a 16 "glossy
2. iBuypower Battalion 101 X8100-U3iBuypower Battalion 101 X8100-U3 is also one of the most wanted gaming laptops this year. It has a large 18.4-inch LCD screen with full HD resolution. This addition also contains a large 640 GB hard drive can be upgraded to 1 TB.

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Tips Saat Duduk Lama Di Depan Komputer

1. Menaruh bantal kecil

Seorang Pakar ahli kesehatan menyarankan untuk menaruh bantal kecil di belakang punggung bawah Anda.
Agar sekitar pinggang dan bokong dapat nyaman dan beristirahat dalam bersandar.

2. Postur Tubuh

Memiliki kursi sebaik apapun jika cara duduk Anda salah maka tidak akan memperbaiki postur tubuh Anda.
Hindari membungkuk, terlalu dekat dengan keyboard komputer dan menyilangkan kaki.

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

cara belajar melodi gitar

saya ingin sedikit share aja sama agan2 sekalian tentang bagaimana belajar melodi pada gitar, ya walaupun saya juga tidak begitu mengerti tentang melodi gitar..hhe
langsung aja gan,..ini saya kasih contoh pake nada dasar C
dan D pada skala mayor
C:: c-d-e-f-g-a-b-c
D:: d-e-f#-g-a-b-c#-d
dari running chord di atas berati kita bisa menyimpulkan kalo skala mayor itu rumusnya,
1-1-1/2-1-1-1-1/2, jadi intinya gini gan, mau pake nada dasar apapun,selama kita metik melodi yang ada di running chord dalam suatu skala melodi, di jamin permainan melodi  gabakalan fals....
dan ni skala minornya:
1-1/2-1-1-1/2-1-1, intinya sama aja dengan yang mayor cuma beda skala doang kok...

selamat mencoba...

Selasa, 26 April 2011

collection chord guitar

Senin, 18 April 2011

Tips mempercepat meninggikan badan

Saya disini hanya ingin share aja dengan teman-teman semua tentang bagaimana gsaja cara untuk mempercepat meninggikan badan teman-teman, langsung aja deh,,....

1. Berenang selama 20-30 menit. Renang dapat memberi efek berkurangnya gaya gravtasi dan akan membuat sendi dan tulang anda melonggar, dan akan memaksimalkan pertumbuhan tulang anda.

2. Bergelantunglah selama 10 detik untuk hari pertama, dan jika anda sudah terbiasa anda akan dapat bergelantungan selam 30 menit! Ini dapat memberi efek gravitasi yang menarik anda untuk memaksa tubuh

cara menambah kecepatan berlari

1. Latihan berlari dengan hidung (jangan berlari dengan mulut menganga) , ciptakan rasa nyaman dalam berlari, usahakan benar2 rileks dlm berlari, pernafasan harus konsisten, sehingga detak jantung tidak berlebihan.

2. peregangan yg bagus disekitar otot pinggang otot paha dan kaki! semakin lentur, semakin mudah untuk bergerak, maka semakin cepat kamu berlari, kalau bisa peregangannya setiap hari, kan peregangan tidak ngabisin banyak stamina.

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

The characteristics of counterfeit computer components

Processor counterfeit / remark / overclock usually sold in a condition TRAY / without BOX. Processor False besides low performance, low-level stability as well, this is caused because the processor is usually in the overclock, so the heat generated is high, which in turn makes the computer unstable / frequent hangs. The warranty period is usually at the latest counterfeit processor is only one year, and the price is cheaper than the

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

How to Secure Online Shopping. It must be understood!

Shopping via the Internet was very enjoyable. You can just click and the goods will be sent to your address. If shopping from online stores overseas may be slightly longer delivery time but when you are shopping from local stores or in any country in one night can we receive the goods. Shopping online is much easier than when we order fast food like KFC 14 022. As I said before you just click, select the item or product that you want

Antibiotics are not the candy! Proper utilization and negative effects when consumed Gratuitous

Have you one day suffer a mild flu or influenza, and with his own initiative to buy antibiotics at the pharmacy or drug store? If yes, it's time you leave the habit. In addition to ignorance, still considered expensive treatment to the doctor the reason for treating the patient himself. Not to mention regulations and oversight of pharmacies that are not serious by the government resulted in the patient can be bought directly using the

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

titan, the world's fastest computer

Title of world's fastest computer was taken back to the United States. A super computers made by the U.S. Energy Department official was elected as the world's fastest computer. Similarly, researchers from PhysOrg.com presented, Thursday, March 24, 2011. The computer was named "Titan". His ability is estimated to have a speed of 20 000 trillion calculations (calculations) per second, equal to 20 petaflops per second. This speed is ultimately shift the super computer made in China,

Listening to music can Interfere addiction Hearing Health

I just read an article in one magazine as saying that "there is estimated 5-10 percent of the enthusiast who listen to music mp3 music mp3 player from them for over an hour each day has the potential to have problems or permanent hearing loss." Emergency! ! Moreover, approximately fifteen minutes ago I was listening to music mp3 from your laptop by using earphones. Actually this is not new info. Our first ever taught in both the ENT (Pathology Nose, Ear and Throat) and SME (science of Public Health) on health-especially the work-that there is something called nerve deafness or a medical term sensory-neural deafness. A type of deafness that is different from other types of deafness, conductive deafness or congenital deaf-where there is damage to the nerves and usually permanent. In a person suffering from type of deafness / hearing loss will not be able to hear sounds at certain frequencies. Well what can we do so we do not experience this type of interference pendegaran. Maybe this will be difficult for us primarily music junkie who has become a habit attached

How to Uninstall Program or Application on Mac OS to really clean

Some of our current habits will uninstall an application or program in the Mac OS is by dragging it to the trash. This method is not really clean up the program / application from the hard disk moreover there are some programs that can not be uninstalled this way, the icon of the application can still be found in the Application folder. To completely uninstall a program on the Mac to the net we could delete the application, to track their application files and delete its preference files. Or more simply use the Uninstaller application for the Mac as AppCleaner, AppTrap or AppZapper which I think is quite good and free. Other applications such as CleanMyMac also very nice but you have to buy his license to be able to use it.


Jumat, 25 Maret 2011


1. Title of Research

2. Abstract Abstract is a brief explanation about the essence of research papers consisting think - about     200-300 words.

3. Preliminary exposure of the background information and issue identification.

4. CONTENTS Contents or discussion consists of: - Materials and research methods used. - Description pelaksaaan.

5. Closing the cover contains the following: - Results of research and discussion. - Thanks to those who helped

6. Reference

how to Jacks Energy with Color Therapy

Without realizing it, the colors can affect your life in some way. Colors can make you feel better, increase energy or can actually give the effect of depression. For example, people who worked as a marketing use color to sell their products, and foods that have a certain color can increase your appetite. Color is a basic human need. Color can be described as music for your eyes, and send positive signals to the brain. Color can be used as a medium for healing mind, body and soul are often called chromotherapy. Each color has a different frequency and bring healing specific ways, such as green and blue colors are soothing. Want to do chromotherapy? You only need to use certain colors in various ways, such as: 

1. Difficulty in concentrating? Use a yellow color. Yellow color proven to improve concentration, memory, and confidence. Put the yellow objects in your workspace, and write something on paper yellow. 

Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

Cerita perjuangan se'ekor burung yg luar biasa

Cerita yang dituangkan melalui gambar ini  sangatlah dalam maknanya, yaitu tentang kesetiaan seekor burung jantan kepada betinyanya..inilah ceritanya..

Seekor burung betina terkapar di pelataran dengan kondisi tubuh yang sangat lemah..

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

4 Hacker The Most Respected in the World

Computer World is an equipment that can not be categorized as a strange but true thing, where everyone in the world can interconnect with each other, Even World Computers are currently used as a tool that must be owned by a company even almost all jobs now can be dealt with using a computer, and almost all systems controlled by computer technology Related Problems are built with computer, each person who already understand the computer always wanted to try to find weaknesses of the system that created .. or commonly known as the World of Hacking ... hackers have been known since the computer, and they began more rampant since the internet. Here are some of the most in Segani Hacker in the World:

The first bike in the world with wireless system

Consider the bike over, what's weird? The answer is the absence of any cable that milling on the bicycle frame. Shadow eBike is the world's first electric bike with a wireless system (wireless) which utilizes 100% of wireless technology for the operation of all existing systems.

The new findings effectively and efficiently to prevent fires

Jakarta - A group of scientists Siam Safety Premier Co.., Ltd. has conducted research for many - years to develop an effective system of fire prevention & efficient The scientists succeeded in creating a fire prevention tool that works automatically, without electricity, without human assistance and without the help of support tools other. This tool is named Elide Fire, 14.5 cm diameter spherical weighing only 1.3 kg. The inventors believe Elide Fire could help the world community in combating the danger of fire is increasingly worrying the whole world. This phenomenal discovery rewarded prestigious awards from the World

Senin, 21 Maret 2011

speed internet connection without software

for friends who feel at home internet connections running slow like snail alias, there are tips speed internet connection without the software. Immediately ....

The first way
1. open explorer ....
2.klik right of my computer ....
3.klik properties .....
4.pilih hardware ...

differences Intel Core i3, Core i5 and Core i7

Intel has released a new processor the Intel Core I3, I5 and the Core i7. But still few people who know about the differences of the three processors. Here we will discuss three different processors. I3 made for Entry Level, Core i5 to Mid Level, while the Core i7 is made to the High Level. In addition, i5 and i7 core processors have a feature called "Intel Turbo Mode Technology". This feature will automatically turn off unused cores when we open a single application thread, the processor will overclock the flow of data threads that run on it so that faster processing, while if the processing application is not a single thread, these cores will live again.

Intel Core i7 

Aimed at high levels. Core i7 is the first processor with technology "Nehalem". Nehalem uses a new platform that really different from previous generations. One is to integrate directly on the processor chipset, not the motherboard. Nehalem also replace the function of the FSB became QPI (Quick Path Interconnect) which is more revolutionary.

Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Nokia Starts Work on First Windows Phone

It seems that Nokia did not want to linger in preparing for the Windows mobile Phone 7 (WP7) them. The CEO Stephen Elop was explained, the current Nokia handsets start working on their first Windows phone. As quoted on Saturday (03/19/2011), Elop told Reuters regarding the commencement of the project are Nokia with Microsoft. "We are currently working on Windows Phone first handset from Nokia," he said. This news is not too surprising. The reason Nokia did mamatok WP7 target that the phone they already circulating in the market next year. The agreement between Nokia and Microsoft are lasted five years. On the one hand Micosoft really looking for hardware that is quite capable partner, while Nokia is maintaining its market which has declined, undermined Android, BlackBerry and iPhone.

gaming CPU chart (update des 2010)

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Tips for Treating Notbook With correct

I often hear many people who wonder about the use and maintenance of a laptop or notbook good and right. Well On this occasion I will share it with friends about how to treat a laptop or notebook with good.

1. namely on the LCD screen, LCD screen is dirty with stains and stamped hands is not comfortable viewing. A clean notebook screen will make you more comfortable on the move by using the notebook. The trick is simple wipe with a soft cloth, so as not membaret on the surface of the LCD.